Tuesday, July 6, 2010

A good excuse this time....

Bad blogger again, but I have an excuse this time...

I just started a new job last week! :)

Needless to say, this past week was my worst running week so far. I only logged 10.1 miles, which is way below my usual 25-30. I guess starting a new position, going to a wedding, a bridal shower and having a certain vampire-related movie debut at midnight one day last week took up all of my time. My hip was a little sore after the Seattle RnR Half, so I think I might have needed the days off. Im hoping to get back into it tomorrow and log those miles! Also, a recap to come tomorrow too...

Hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July….it is always one of my favorite holidays!


  1. Congrats on the new job! Hope all is going well!!

  2. congrats on the ne wjob! i remember you mentioned you had just moved...i have an interview in silverdale this weeke so who know, I may be westerner soon :)

  3. Congrats on the new job! Hope everything is going well.

  4. It's a busy time of year plus the rest from running will do you good. Congrats and good luck w/the new job!

  5. Hi Sarah,
    Congrats on your new job! Totally a reason not to be blogging:) I am glad that everything is going well...take care of you!

  6. Vampire movie? What on earth are you talking about? =)

    Rest is gooood!!! Hope your hip gets to feeling better soon!

  7. Congrats on the new job. good luck!

  8. Yay on the new job!! I love the 4th too, hope all is well!
