Saturday, March 20, 2010

Prep run and Expo

The past few days have been crazy. Due to some unforseen events, I only ran once on Friday, even though I was DYING to try my new Garmin out earlier. Sometimes its just not in the cards....

Somehow it was 60 degrees when I went out on my run. Little Bro joined me for the run out in West Seattle. I was eager to use the Garmin, and he was excited for me to take another funny picture of him (see picture above).

After quickly locating satellites, we were off. I was surprised at how lightweight the Garmin was, and I didnt mind running with it on my wrist. After a few hundred feet I looked at the stats and was surprised to see that the mileage was calculating almost every second! The pace was also constantly changing, so I am guessing that its accurate to every few seconds. I had no idea that it had that capability!! My mind was blown!

The run went well, and I finished in 54:30 for 6 miles (9:05 pace). I have had too much going on to actually plug the Garmin into my computer and load the new program, so my time splits will have to wait until after the race on Sunday. Now only if I can go that fast at the Mercer....

On the run I also tried Luna Moon Energy Chews in Pomegranate. I was feeling low on energy, so I actually had a few chews on the car ride over before running (since I wasnt running that far, there was no need for energy later). The chews tasted great, although a bit more salty than normal gummy candy. I liked the consistency too (not too soft, but pretty sticky). Im not exactly sure how much energy I actually got from the chews, but I might have them as a snack in the future!

Today I went to the Mercer Half Expo, but unfortunately I didn't run into any of you bloggers! The expo was decent enough and well organized, but I was expecting more booths or freebies to try. The Seattle Half Expo had discount running shoes and more brands represented (then again it was a MUCH larger race). I guess I will have to wait until after the run for the freebies.

I do love the tech shirt for this race though! After driving through Mercer Island, I am hoping that the race isnt too did look fairly hilly! Here are the goals for tomorrow's race:
  • Standard goal: 
    • To not stop during the race
    • To beat my Seattle Half time (2:16:59)
  •  Realistic goal:
    • To run in 10:00 miles (2:10:00)
  •  Super-secret goal:
    • To run in 1:59:59
I don't know how likely my super-secret goal is since that is close to what I have been running on, but I run on flat ground. Hills are a whole different race! As long as I PR and stay uninjured Ill be happy! I cant wait to meet some of you tomorrow.....Good luck! 


  1. You and your brother crack me up! Good luck at the half! Have fun with the bloggy meetup!

  2. Good luck in your race!! Isn't the garmin awesome?!

  3. Good luck! Hope you have a great race!

  4. Hi Sarah,
    You are going to do fantastic!! You are ready for this one:) Congrats on getting the Garmin up and will love it! I really like your shirt too:) Good Luck Sarah!!!!

  5. Good luck on the race! And you will love the Garmin. Perhaps you already have figured it out, but you can set the Garmin on laps and it will calculate each mile and average pace for that mile.

  6. I love my Garmin, I ran with mine for over 6 months before I finally plugged mine into the computer and then it's like it opened up a whole new world to me. I didn't know it could track my miles one by one or that it could map out my runs and the coolest part is that now you can sync it with Daily Mile. Oh I love my Garmin.
    Well, enough about that, good luck on your half marathon and I hope you meet all your goals, even your super secret one. :)

  7. running has just not been the same since buying my garmin :)

    hope the 1/2 went well!

  8. Fun pics! Good to see your bro in somewhat more "normal" running clothes. :)

    Glad you're loving the Garmin too!

    Hope you had a great race.

  9. Was GREAT to meet you and your bro after the race. We need to make plans to all do another race soon. I am thinking Flat and fast 5K :)

    Cant wait to read your race report.

  10. So cool that you and your brother are running! It was great to meet you both! Looking forward to more races this year!
