Friday, March 5, 2010


Wow, what a busy week. Not much to blog about because was only able to run 2 nights this week :( Anxious to get a few miles in, I ran an easy 6 miles. I was pretty exhausted from the week leading up to the run, but the run ended up energizing me. I felt like I could have done a few more! Since my 12 miler is scheduled for tomorrow,  I decided to end my run at 6 (9:30/pace).

Since I had a pretty tough 11 miler last weekend, I wanted to prepare and make sure that I could have the best run tomorrow. Since egg whites were not the best to start off my run last time, I went to the store to get something I knew would keep me full, but without that "full" feeling:

I made a quick run to Safeway and luckily the Clif Peanut Butter Builder's Bars were on sale. I have tried MANY protein bars, and this one is my favorite (Cookies & Cream is also yummy, Vanilla Almond is quite sweet and I wouldn't recommend it before a run). Not only is the texture pretty good for a protein bar (the PB one has a nougaty texture covering the rice crispy part, covered in chocolate) but the 20 grams of protein actually keeps you full. At 270 calories and all of that protein, its pretty tasty. Also, I usually forget I'm eating a protein bar when I'm eating it! Nutrition facts found here (PS - it also does not have the hydrogenated oils that some other bars have. The fat is only from the peanut butter and natural oils!)

I'm planning on having half to a full Builder's bar at least an hour before my long run, then try a energy gel (Powerbar or Clif) during the run. Hopefully this will give me the energy I need to have a nice LONG run, and not sucking air and wanting to crawl after 3 miles. I have a feeling this run will be much more successful than the last one!

Details to come....its supposed to be 65 degrees tomorrow in Seattle! Perfect for a run :)


  1. Thanks for the review. I will be trying that next.

  2. Those bars sound like great fuel - tasty, too!

    Hope the run was great!

  3. I am going to try that bar...thanks for the recommendation!
